An exclusive event is planned for Federal Bank – ” India. Inspired.” This is a project conceived to ignite the little minds of the students studying in different schools, all over India, by encouraging them to paint / participate in their dreams for India, in future, and what they can contribute towards the fulfillment of the same. This project will initiate the ‘thinking big’ process amongst school children, when they have not yet made up their minds on what they like or do not like. The output, in the form of paintings / sports / cycle expeditions, will be unbiased and pure. Be it in the area of solar energy’ wind energy, education, general health, energy efficient transportation, agriculture / horticulture, environmental conservation or any other area, which touches all us Indians, in day to day life. The ideas may be as ‘wild’ as possible. But the thought process and ‘thinking big’ should be converted into a visual delight. For these big ideas to take shape, one needs to support financially, hence ‘start saving right now’ is the thing to follow. Culminating into opening of savings account. This idea / concept can be executed across India over a fixed time-line, wherever Federal Bank has a branch, in any State.